Our Approach
With 20 years' experience in specialist recruitment and executive search, across private, public and non-profit sectors, we understand what it takes to build the right team...
IntelligenceIntelligence is about having the right knowledge and skills to respond flexibly and adaptively to changing environments.
It's also about having the right information at your fingertips, to make informed decisions and remain ahead of the competition. As specialist recruiters in research, policy and communications, we understand the skills, qualifications and experience needed to perform these roles effectively. We work closely with our clients to find the perfect fit for their team and we work with our candidates to help them find roles that are ideally matched to their individual talents. |
IntegrityIntegrity is about building a team with the passion and drive to take the organisation's values forward. Having the right people in the right roles can enable teams to work together more effectively and attain common goals.
Our extensive cross-sector experience has enabled us to develop a detailed understanding of our clients' organisational values and goals. We help our clients to identify candidates with values that are closely aligned to those of the organisation, and we help candidates to move into roles that ignite their passion. |
ImpactImpact is achieved through intelligence and integrity. By drawing on the knowledge, skills and passion of each individual and team, organisations can maximise their effectiveness and bring about meaningful change.
We understand what impact means for professionals working in research, policy and communications within non-profit sector. We work with clients to identify individuals who are not only talented, but also able to apply their talents to achieve demonstrable outcomes. |